Saturday, January 24, 2009

Le imperator Nerone

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, Latin, English)

Nerone, multo simile a su oncle Caligula, succedeva Claudio. Un homine de insolite luxuria e extravaganita, ille deformava e diminueva le imperio roman. Ille occideva un parte grandissime del senato e esseva un inimico a omne gente bon.

Usque su fin ille se prostitueva vergoniosemente e saltava e cantava in le theatros in vestimentos burlesc o tragic. Ille committeva multe actos de parricidio, occidente su fratre, su marita, e su soror. Ille combureva le urbe Roma proque ille voleva vider un spectaculo simile al destruction de Toia.

Ille nunquam osvava facer le guerra e quasi perdeva Britannia. Sub ille le inimicos de Roma capturava e mitteva a sacco duo citates nobile. Le parthos sasiva Armenia e inviava le legiones roman a in le sclavitude.

A causa de omne isto, le romanos le detestava, e omnes le desertava, e le senato le declarava un inimico del populo roman. Illes essayava a sasir le pro punir le de iste maniera: ducer le per le publico durante que ille esseva nude e portava un furca, flagellar le, e jectar le ex un grandissime saxo. Assi ille fugiva al Palatino e se suicidava in le villa suburban de un ancian sclavo sue.

Ille construeva le banios public roman, que antea se appellava "Neronian" ma que nos nunc nomina "Alexandrin". Ille moriva in le trigesimo secunde anno de su vita e le quarto decime anno de su regno, e omne le familia de Augusto moriva con ille.


Imperator Nero

Successit Claudio Nero, Caligulae avunculo suo, simillimus. Qui Romanum imperium et deformavit et minuit, homo inusitatae luxuriae sumptuumque. Infinitam senatus partem interfecit; bonisque omnibus hostis fuit.

Ad postremum se multo dedecore prostituit; ac saltabat et cantabat in scaena citaroedico vel tragico habitu. Parricidia multa commisit, fratrem, uxorem, sororem, matrem interficiens. Urbem Romam incendit, quia tale spectaculum cernere cupiebat, quali olim Troia capta arsit.

In re militari nihil omnino ausus, et Britanniam paene amisit. Sub eo hostes romanorum duo nobilissima oppida ceperunt et everterunt. Armeniam Parthi sustulerunt legionesque Romanus sub iugum miserunt.

Post haec Romano orbis exscecrabilem omnes eum similu destiterunt et sanatus eum hostem romanorum iudicavit; cum quaerebant eum ad poenam, quae poena erat talis: nudum eum per publicum ductum et furcam portantem virgis cadere et magnissimo saxo praecipitare. Ille ergo e Palatio fugit et in suburbana villa liberati sui interfecit se.

Is aedificavit Romae thermas, quas ante "Neronianas" nunc "Alexandrinas" appellamus. Obiit tricesimo et altere aetatis anno, imperii quarto decimo, atque in eo omnis Augusti familia periit.


The Emperor Nero

Nero, quite similar to Caligula, his uncle, succeeded Claudius. A man of unusual luxury and extravagance, he both deformed and diminished the Roman empire. He killed a very large part of the senate and was the enemy of all good people.

Up to the end he prostituted himself most disgracefully and danced an sang in theaters in burlesque or tragic costumes. He committed many acts of parricide, killing his brother, his wife, and his sister. He burned up Rome because he wanted to see a spectacle similar to the destruction of Troy.

He was too frightened to fight wars, and he almost lost Britain. During his rule the enemies of Rome captured and sacked two noble cities. The Parthians seized Armenia and sent the Roman legions into slavery.

Because of all this, the Romans detested him. Everyone deserted him, and the Senate declared him an enemy of the Roman people. They tried to capture him so they could punish him by dragging him through the public while he was naked and carrying a fork, whipping him, and thowing him off a gigantic rock. So he fled from the Palatine and killed himself in the suburban villa of his freedman.

He built the Roman baths, which we used to call "Neronian" but which we refer to as "Alexandrian." He died at the age of thirty-two and after ruling Rome for fourteen years, and the entire family of Augustus died with him.

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