Sunday, February 8, 2009

Capitulo 2, Notas sur le historia de Roma

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Version in interlingua del texto supplementari de Parte 1:

Discoperimentos archeologic monstra que in le seculo VII a.C. le habitantes del collino Palatin formava un sol communitate: Le Roma primitive. Le citate se disveloppava proque illo esseva presso al flumine Tibere, que esseva navigabile usque le mar Tyrrhen.

In ultra, Roma esseva situate intra duo regiones commercial multo ric: Etruria e Campania. Quando le mar esseva in tempestate, le mercantes debeva passar trans Roma pro transportar lor mercantias.

Le citate non esseva troppo distante del mar, e iste circumstantia incoragiava activitate commercial in Roma. Le romanos prendeva le sal del salinas del costa e lo vendeva al population interne, passante trans le via que se nominava Salaria ("via del sal").

Multe personas veniva a Roma del regiones vicin, attrahite per le disveloppamento del citate. Durante le periodo monarchic Roma occupava le territorio usque le mar e deveniva un famose centro commercial.

(1) Presentation de un nove texto in interlingua:

Gaio Julio Caesare nasceva a Roma le 13 de julio in le anno 100 a.C. de un ex le plus nobile familias patrician de Roma: Le "Gente Julia".

Al fin de su annos juvene ille participava in le vita politic. Ille deveniva quaestore, aedile, pontifice maxime e praetore. In 61 a.C. ille obteneva le commando militar de Espania, ubi ille dimonstrava su capicitates militar e su valor.

A causa de omne isto, quando ille retornava de Espania ille esseva nominate consule. In 60 a.C. con Pompeio e Crasso, duo homines politic multo famose a Roma, ille formava le prime triumvirato: Le tres decideva governar sin le appoio del senato.

Postea Caesare conquireva le Gallia septentrional, que deveniva un provincia roman. Caesare obteneva gloria e fama. Jelose del successo de Caesare, Pompeio (Crasso habeva morite) se alliava con le Senato contra ille. Isto produceva le guerra civil. Caesare vinceva e retornava a Roma, durante que Pompeio moriva in Egypto, occidite per le rege Ptolomaeo.

Desde iste momento Caesare assumeva le titulo de dictator pro omne su vita e de commandante del fortias militar e governava prudentemente inaugurante multe reformas. De facto ille dava derectos de citatano roman a Gallia e a altere provincias foras de Italia; ille autorisava le uso del moneta roman in omne le provincias; ille dava terrenos in le nove colonias a su veteranos e distribueva terrenos pro cultivar al povres de Roma.

Ma le reforma le plus importante esseva al calendario (nominate julian) in le qual le anno es dividite in 364 dies e 6 horas.

A causa del concentration de omne le poteres in su manos, Caesare creava pro se multe inimicos, sia intra le populo, sia intra le senato e le nobilitate. Al idos de Martio (le 15 martio) in 44 a.C. Caesare esseva victima de un conspiration organisate de un parte per le Senato, per le Nobilitate, e per Bruto, su filio adoptive.

(2) Version del texto in anglese:

Gaius Julius Cesar was born in Rome on July 13 (the thirteenth) in the year 100 B.C. from one of the most noble Partician families, the "gens Julia."

Once he grew up he participated in political life. He became a quaestor, an aedile, a pontifex maximus, and a praetor. In 61 B.C. he received the military command of Spain, where he displayed his military skills and his bravery.

For these reasons, when he returned from Spain he was named a consul. In 60 B.C. with Pompey and Crassus, two very famous politicians at Rome, he formed the first triumvirate: the three men decided to govern without the support of the Senate.

Afterward Caesar conquered Northern Gaul, which became a Roman province. Caesar gained glory and fame. Jealous of Caesar's success, Pompey (Crassus was dead) allied himself with the Senate to oppose him. This produced the civil war. Caesar won and returned to Rome, while Pompey died in Egypt at the hands of King Ptolomy.

From this moment Caesar assumed the title of Dictator for Life and of supreme commander of the military forces and governed wisely, enacting many reforms. As a matter of fact, he awarded Roman citizenship to Gaul and to other provinces outside of Italy; he authorized the use of Roman money in all the provinces, gave land in the new colony to his veterans, and distributed land to the poor of Rome for them to cultivate.

But the most important reform was the calendar (called Julian) in which the year is divided into 364 days and six hours.

Because of a concentration of all powers into his own hands, Caesar created a lot of enemies, whether among the people or the Senate and the nobility. At the Ides of March (the fifteenth of March) in 44 B.C. Caesar was the victim of an organized conspiracy on the part of the Senate, the nobility, and Brutus, his adopted son.

(3) Texto supplementari in anglese:

After the death of Caesar, for about two centuries Rome lived through a period of tranquillity and prosperity called the "Pax Romana." Octavian Augustus, Caesar's nephew, started a process that made Rome the center of commerce, of culture, and of art in the Mediterranean.

He governed with the consent of the Senate, which gave him preconsular command, in other words, the absolute power over the entire empire, and also the title of emperor. August favored the development of commerce with the construction in all provinces of bridges, streets, ports, and aqueducts, and he beautified the city with paved streets, public baths, amphitheaters, and monuments.

(4) Si vos ha besonio de adjuta extra con le texto supplementari, vos lo trovara in le prime parte del proxime capitulo.

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