Sunday, February 8, 2009

Capitulo 3, Notas sur le historia de Roma

(Languages of this text: Interlingua, English)

Version in interlingua del texto supplementari de Parte 2:

Post le morte de Caesare, pro circa duo seculos, Roma viveva in un periodo de tranquillitate e de prosperitate, nominate le "pax romana". Octaviano Augusto, le nepote de Caesare, initiava un processo que faceva Italia e Roma le centro del commercio, del cultura, e del arte del Mediterraneo.

Ille governava con le consentimento del Senato, que dava a ille le "imperio" (commando) praeconsular--in altere parolas, le poter absolute sur omne le imperio--e anque le titulo de imperator. Augusto favoriva le disveloppamento del commercio con le construction in omne le provincias de pontes, stratas, portos, e aqueductos, e ille belleficava le citate con stratas pavimentate, banios public, amphitheatros, e monumentos.

(1) Presentation de un nove texto in interlingua:

Augusto portava le pace al stato roman al diverse gruppos que habeva participate in le guerra civil: senatores, equites, plebes urban, e soldatos.

Ille obteneva lor appoio providente pro le exigentias de cata gruppo: Al veteranos ille concedeva premios in moneta e in terras e permitteva que le equites deveniva officiales; al nobiles de alicun provincias ille concedeva derectos de citatano; ille faceva hereditari le officio del senatores.

Attention particular esseva dedicate al classes basse. Le terrenos public e le minas passava al controlo del imperator, qui assi dava labor al disoccupatos.

Multe personas trovava travalio anque in le construction de obras public. Le povres viveva al expensa del Stato, gratias al distributiones gratuite di victualia.

Le divertimento esseva assecurate. Le circo esseva le loco ubi habeva loco concursos de carros tirate per cavallos, combattos inter homines armate contra animales feroce, e battalias naval in arenas aggrandite specialmente pro illos.

Le sclavos, cuje numeros (reduceva)/(stava a reducer) a causa del carentia de guerras de conquesta, esseva neglegite per Augusto, qui inaugurava leges pro impedir a illes le possibilitate de devenir libere.

Augusto moriva in 14 d.C. Durante su imperio viveva Jesus Christo e esseva initiate le ephoca christian.

(2) Version del texto in anglese:

Augustus secured the peace in the Roman state among the various groups that had participated in the civil war, senators, equites, urban plebeians, and soldiers.

He gained their support by meeting the demands of each group: he awarded prizes to the veterans in money and in land and allowed the equites to become officials; he awarded citizenship to the nobles of some provinces; he made Senate membership hereditary.

Particular attention was paid to the underclass. He assumed control over public lands and mines, which gave work to the unemployed.

Many people also found work in the construction of public works. The poor lived at the expense of the state, thanks to the free distribution of food.

Needs for amusement were assured. The circus was the place for dangerous horse-drawn chariot races, battles between armed men against ferocious animals, and naval battles in appropriately widened arenas.

The slaves, whose numbers were reduced because of the lack of wars of conquest, were neglected by Augustus, who enacted laws taking away from them the possibility of being freed.

Augustus died in 14 B.C. Under his reign lived Jesus Christ, and the Christian era saw its beginning.

(3) Fin de iste serie de textos.

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