Friday, February 6, 2009

Un nota sur le theologia e le scientia durante le seculo dece e septe

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Durante le seculo dece e septe le scientias emergeva ex le pensamento humanistic del Renascimento, que habeva su origine in Italia. Brevemente exprimite, le differentia principal inter le pensamento del periodo medieval e del Renascimento esseva un rejection del contemplation del "absolute" e del "eternal" pro studios del particular e del perceptibile. Le philosophia, in vice de esser un parte del theologia, devenia un disciplina independente que refusava acciper un explication divin o supernatural pro lo que on poteva toccar o observar.

Un exemplo del pensamento abstracte usate per theologos pro explicar phenomenos concrete es le observation de Thomas Aquinas sur le motion. Secundo ille "le motion existe proque cosas que es in un stato de potentialitate cerca a actualisar se". (Uhh, Bullshit!)

Quando Galileo voleva studiar le motion e apprender como duo corpores moveva trans le tempore e le spatio, ille simplemente vadeva al summitate del turre pendente de Pisa e los observava durante que illos cadeva.


A Note on Theology and Science during the Seventeenth Century

During the seventeenth century the sciences emerged from the humanistic thought of the Renaissance, which had its origin in Italy. Briefly expressed, the principal difference between thought in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was a rejection of contemplation of the "absolute" and of the "eternal" for studies of the particular and perceptible. Philosophy, instead of being a part of theology, became an independent discipline that refused to accept a divine or supernatural explanation for what could be touched and seen.

An example of abstract thought used by theologians for explaining concrete phenomena is the observation of Thomas Aquinas on the motion. According to him, "motion exists because things that are in a state of potentiality are trying to actualize themselves." (Uhh... Bullshit!)

When Galileo wanted to study motion and learn how two bodies moved through time and space, he simply went to the top of the leaning tower of Pisa and watched them as they fell.

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